Company Data

Registered office address: Hotel Delle Nazioni | HDN SRL
Registered office: Viale Trieste, 60 Pesaro
Certified email address (PEC):
Phone: +39 0721 69534
Economic & Administrative Index (Rea): PS - 69534
Tax Code and VAT number: 00969750413 
Date of registration in company register: 29/10/1985
Last protocol date: 29/03/2021
Managing partner: Loredana Caccarelli

Welcome, you are directly on the sea

You can get to the beach from the hotel without having to cross any roads...

Recharge as you soak in the scent and sea breeze. Move to the rhythm of the waves. Let us take you on a journey to explore what makes us that extra bit special. The town centre and its monuments, architecture, and events that tell the story of this city and its natural beauty are just a quick walk away.


All 1 step away from us

  • 0 meters from the beach
  • 500 meters from the center
  • 1,8 km from the station
  • 1.5 km from the Rossini Theater